Sex, stress, a lousy 7 days and a law suit

Kenyan Man Sues Over Sex Strike

A women's activist group in Kenya called for women to deny their partners sex for a week to end a political impasse between President Mwai Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga. BBC News reports that a week was too long for one man, who is suing the G10, a coalition of women's groups, claiming the lack of sex caused him "mental anguish."

James Kimondo is seeking undisclosed damages for the stress, backaches, lack of concentration, "anxiety and sleepless nights" he says stem from his wife's participation in the sex strike.

According to the AFP, the G10 even asked prostitutes to join in the strike, and the New York Times reported that the group urged the wives of Kibaki and Odinga to participate. "Great decisions are made during pillow talk," said Patricia Nyaundi, executive director of the Federation of Women Lawyers, one of the groups involved in organizing the strike. "So we are asking the two ladies at that intimate moment to ask their husbands: 'Darling can you do something for Kenya?'"

President Kibaki and Prime Minister Odinga were at the center of a disputed 2007 election that erupted into violence, and their sharing of power has since been fraught with tension. The two leaders met for the first time in a month on Thursday -- the day after the week-long sex strike ended.

Created: Sunday, 10 May 2009, 5:21 PM EDT

[Photo of Raila Amolo Odinga, Prime Minister of Kenya. Credit: Raila 4 President 2007 / -- Creative Commons – by Demosh]

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