Brazilian City Kicks Off Orgasm Fest

Orgasm Fest
RIO DE JANEIRO, May 9 (UPI) -- A small Brazilian city is hosting its first official "Day of the Orgasm" celebration.

Lawmakers in Esperantina -- in the northern, impoverished state of Piaui -- voted during the weekend to hold the festivities Monday, complete with lectures about sexuality, impotence and of course, the importance of the orgasm, O Globo reports.

The city of 38,000 has celebrated Orgasm Day for the last four years. This year's is the first sanctioned by the city.

"Many problems with human beings like anger, sickness and stress are caused by dissatisfaction in relation to sexuality, Esperantina Mayor Felipe Santolia said.

The mayor also hopes the extra attention on the city will attract the federal government to provide additional funding for city works projects.

Reporters from France and Spain were on hand to cover the celebration as is the men's magazine Playboy.

(Illustration - Magicomora)

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