From Hormones to Diaper Changes

From Hormones to Diaper Changes

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From Hormones to Diaper Changes
From hormones to stretch marks, labor pains to diaper changes, motherhood is an adventure like none other. The rapid changes in your body, your lifestyle, and your very identity call for a certain mental agility. Mindfulness can help you meet the challenge and approach every experience with your new baby with open eyes and an open heart. From the book, Mindful Motherhood...

"It wasn’t until I had my daughter that I realized how my spiritual life, particularly mindfulness practices, would help me during the transformation of pregnancy, labor, and early motherhood. I called upon those understandings and skills every day—through mood swings, back pain, stretch marks, a fifty-seven-hour labor, and relationship tensions. They not only helped me with difficult moments, but they also opened me in a profound way to the rewards of pregnancy and early motherhood. I was able to more fully experience those exquisite moments of nursing in a rocking chair in a sun-filled room, reflections dancing on the walls, dust motes drifting in the rays of light, my daughter’s toothless smile, the way she made a soft creaking sound whenever she was falling asleep (eehhhhh, ehhhhhh, ehhhhh). In a card a friend gave me at my baby shower she wrote, "Now your heart will stretch wide open, and you’ll love beyond anything you’ve ever known." This was true and remains true to this day. So, I write this book as a psychologist, a researcher—and a mom."

Mindful Motherhood is a program that teaches you how mindfulness practices can be integrated into your everyday life during pregnancy and early motherhood for staying balanced, healthy, and connected with your baby, even in difficult moments.
(Mindful Motherhood, page 9, INTRODUCTION)
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The Mommy Mind

Picture 4
Just as our bodies give way to house & grow little beings,
women's minds shift their inner landscape in order
to Mommy.
Bewitched, bothered & bewildered? Help is here...

Cassandra Vieten, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist, director of research at the Institute of Noetic Sciences codirector of the Mind Body Medicine Research Group at California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute in San Francisco, CA, and co-president of the Institute for Spirituality and Psychology. She is also an avid soccer player and mom of a spunky eight year old girl named Indigo. The practice of Mindful Motherhood is a living practice, one that is dynamic and ever-changing. Just like in the rest of your life, each day as a mom offers new opportunities and challenges.

Mindful Motherhood: Practical Tools for Staying Sane During Pregnancy and Your Child’s First Year (New Harbinger/Noetic Books).

Mindful Motherhood is based on research conducted at California Pacific Medical Center's Research Institute and the Institute of Noetic Sciences.

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