Tapping into Tantric Massage

Tomas Heartfield, C.T.E.
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Q: Very exciting, slick site. Great work.

Are you familiar with Tantric massage? This is something I want to explore, having heard about it recently, but I don’t quite understand it. Have you any insight? Any information you can impart is appreciated. ~ Bob, Argentina

A: Tantric Massage is a method of awakening the body through focus on the energy centers and building a sexual charge in the body.

It is used as a way of waking up the body and also as a meditative technique that teaches the body how to tune in to subtle rivers of energy that flow up and down the body. The Taoists call them "meridians".

Some people think Tantric Sex is a bit woo woo. But once they start to feel this energy in the body they start to understand. There is a whole universe of pleasure to be discovered once you start to practice showing up in a bigger way. It is a great way to deepen your awareness of how to become a better lover.

At our Divine Feminine Awakened Masculine Institute -- we show beginners how to get started, and hold seminars around the country. I hope to see you there!

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Sexy Beast

your beauty
within brings
incredible power.

Tomas Heartfield, C.T.E. helps men
connect with their true power.
A workshop leader, counselor & love coach w/ 35 years experience in
education, Taoist & Tantric sexuality, herbal knowledge, anti-aging, & the healing arts, he shares insight & cutting edge technology to bring more energy & life force into the creative living process.