Ding Dong!

Ding Dong!
Some care homes in Belgium secure the services of prostitutes for some of their disabled residents, with the approval of the residents' family members.

One home for the disabled in Schilde, near Antwerp, said it has engaged prostitutes for five of its 16 residents, The Telegraph reported.

"It often happens that one of our residents will ask for a prostitute," said Kris Schauwbroeck, a social worker at Driehuizen home. "We feel we should grant that request, because the disabled, too, have the right to their sexuality. And in general the prostitutes have responded positively."

Families of the disabled residents have consented to the services, Schauwbroeck said. However, there are concerns about the cost -- because sex services are not covered by health insurance.

"Their only worry sometimes is the financial aspect. These prostitutes are not cheap, which means the number of visits must be limited," he said.

© 2007 UPI. Displayed by permission. All rights reserved.

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